Friday, August 19, 2011

done with SF memories

I really don't remember anything else about our lives in SF--- I remember I rode the city bus to school once in a while...but I don't remember ANYTHING about school.  But then, I don't remember much about school in Novato either.  School was just a necessary evil in my mind.  It took away tiime from playing.  Even as I got older school seemed so unnecessary.  They only taught stuff that I didn't care about.  My dad once said..."the past is behind us, who cares about it".  and I took that to heart.  I could care less about history or even world events.  If I couldn't do anything about it...why study it.  And made no sense at all... why does the same word, spelled the same way mean two totally differnt things...stupid!!!  And congregating sentences...WHY???  None of that stuff made any sense to me.  If you read my blog long enough you'll notice I NEVER did learn to spell... I sure love computers and spell check... if I'm writing anything important... CHA CHING--- SPELL CHECK!!!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And yet somehow you got a daughter who loves not just history, but SPELLING too!! lol
(It's not letting me comment again so I'm here anonymously!! -Patty)