Monday, August 15, 2011

Just getting started

My daughter Patty has been blogging for some time.  I really enjoying reading her thoughts and happenings in her life--so I decided to join in.  I am really going to use this forum to write my life history though.  When I think of little bits and pieces of my life...I am going to blog them.  I hope someone out there reads this so it's not just a waste of my time!!  LOL  

So...first things first-- I was born in Long Beach, California.  I do not remember anything about Long Beach-- I don't know how soon after my birth my parents moved to San Francisco--but SF is my first memories. 

Since my mom is dead...I can admit we lived in Hunter Point in a PROJECT HOME.  ie: low income housing.  Most of the other tennants were black or some form of dark skin.  My siblings and I stood out like a "sore thumb" in our neighborhood.  If you looked at my first school picture--you'd have no problem picking me out!!  

Enough for now... I'll try to remember events of that period of my life and blog those next. 

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