Sunday, April 7, 2013

Garbage and vege's in SF

I'm so old---- I remember the garbage men in SF came around with a large canvas tarp.  They placed the tarp on the ground and went to each home close by and brought the silver metal garabage can out to the tarp and emptied it onto the tarp.  Once the garbageman had enough garbage on the tarp they grabbed the four corners and flung the "bag" over their shoulder and took it to the garbage truck to empty.  Then they'd do it over again.  AND...back then garbage stunk!!    People ate a lot of fresh vegetables and nobody in Hunter's Point had a garbage disposal.  Never-the-less, we loved to go outside and watch the garbagemen work. 

By the way, we ate fresh vegetables and fruit brought to our home on a cart pulled by a horse!!!!


Patty said...

I never heard about the horse and cart!! That's way cool!!

Unknown said...

More stories, time to start updating this blog